Gershom gave me an unreadable look. Then Ezekiel's voice spoke catching everyone's attention. "The First Age of Enlightenment Discussion will start momentarily." My companion then popped one final sushi roll into his mouth and placed his plate on the table.
"Are you staying?" he asked me. I nodded my head. The Little Dragon giving the talk, Sandra was a dear friend of mine. "Are you?" I asked him. Gershom nodded his head. "I plan to listen to all the lectures. This is a momentous occasion for our people."
His words underscored the gravity of our new partnership. Michael then came into view. He gave us an uncertain look. "Are we watching this together?" he asked giving me the opportunity to declare if I wanted more alone time with my companion. I looked in Gershom's direction, but he was looking elsewhere. His eyes fixated on another person in the distance. "Excuse me," he said leaving us. I watched him stride off to embrace another Little Dragon.
Michael was watching me closely. "Do you like him?" he asked me. I gave him a long look. "He will be a valuable asset," I said deliberately refusing to give him a straight answer. "If I recall," Michael said. "You weren't too open about your feelings for Jerome either in the beginning."
Was he right about that? I gave him a startled look. Michael nodded his head smiling. "You two were nearly polar opposites and yet your relationship lasted longer than most other Little Dragon's ever do." I gave him a dubious look. True Jerome and I had a lot of outward differences in our views but at the core of our beings we matched. It had been a very fulfilling relationship that lasted for five centuries.
He was still very much a part of me. We discovered everything we could about each other and shared trillions of experiences. The two of us reached a true pinnacle of bliss. When there was nothing more to learn, share or do together, we went our separate ways. It was a perfect ending. I admit I do want to experience it eventually all over again with another Little Dragon.
The tables around us shimmered and vanished in the sunlight. It was time to find our spots, Sandra's lecture would be starting soon. Michael and I found a free place in the middle of the grassy fields. I could easily see my friend.
"Excuse me," a voice said on my right. I turned surprised to see Gershom standing there alone. He gave me an uncertain look. "You don't mind me being here do you?" he asked. I gave a negative shake of my head my eyes searching for the companion he embraced. "Your friend is not joining us?" I asked. He shook his head and looked right in my eyes and smiled. "She has other plans just like me today."
That look and his words caused my heart to unexpectedly flutter and my face flushed. The first signs of attraction. It was a pleasant experience, and one I hadn't had in quite a while. I gently took a hold of his hand to see if he and I were thinking the same thing. He didn't pull away.
That ends Humanities Evolution, Part IX. Next month is Humanities Evolution, Part X.
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